10 Relatable Work Memes That Will Make You Say ‘That’s So Me!



10 Relatable Work Memes That Will Make You Say ‘That’s So Me!

Being employed is probably one of the worst-best things that can happen to someone. It means you now have a source of income. This helps you achieve your dreams (and get that morning coffee fix!). 

You also enjoy all the benefits of your position at work. In general, being employed means you can stand on your own two feet. The satisfaction is priceless. However, like all good things, this does not come without its share of hardships.

Hating our 9 to 5 jobs is a common feeling, and with good reason. In our workplaces, we balance heavy workloads, solve problems, and interact with others – all while being told to “put a smile on your face.” It’s exhausting! 

But we can’t just quit our jobs; we need them to support our lifestyles. Sometimes it feels like a dark cloud hangs over us. However, even the darkest clouds have a silver lining. In this blog, we’ll share relatable memes to give you a giggle while you work.  

Even when you’re stressed at your desk (whether at home or in the office), these memes will remind you that you’re not alone.  Hopefully, they’ll help you push forward and achieve your goals for the day.

No exceptions on this one

Every workplace has these people, and they are usually both the boon and bane of a workforce. But hey at least they make for a nice meme.

Just do it… 

I just don’t understand why some people seem to not have enough willpower to be able to press a single button. 

They just don’t seem to get it

We all have our opinions on mental health, and we frankly think that it needs to be maintained. But let’s be honest, we wouldn’t need to spend for an expensive webinar from some expensive psychologist if there were less weight on our shoulders!

Yes, yes I’ve had 

When we’re at work, then yes, 15 minutes is a very long time.

It’s been so long… 

Well, they did say that life is all about learning, so I wouldn’t mind learning my job again if it means I can unlearn it every time I go on a vacation. Balanced, as all things should be.

Gotta start young! 

Sometimes we just do not understand what the companies want from their workers. Guess we need to know how to make a marketing strategy at age 10.

Gotta.. Keep… CALM…… 

This is a struggle that is well worth its pain… I guess…

Victory goes to those who don’t give up! 

Breaking off, life is hard, and life with work is harder, but all of these serve as stepping stones for us to become better. Keep grinding! 💪(especially on Wednesdays).

Look boss, I’m being useful! 

We all have that overly intrusive superior that seems to spot all of the negative things we do even if we’ve just entered the workplace. For all of those who have that superior, this one’s for you.

Why not email tho? 

But why not email tho…

In conclusion…

Everything in life and work will have its good times and bad. This is the balance of the world we live in. After all, we wouldn’t have a functioning society if people didn’t go to work every day. 

No matter your reason for working – family, personal dreams, or simply affording another morning coffee – your efforts help create a better future for many individuals. 

You may not see the results immediately, but your work matters.  We’re not going to sugarcoat it: work is hard. Keep striving! Your career is a chapter in your life, supporting all the others. Every chapter will come to a close, each with its own unique beauty.






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