Chatting Guide (For meeting new people and making friends online)

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You're going to make a new friend! You'll talk about their interests, tell them about yours, and maybe even share some laughs. You can do all of this without ever having to leave your living room. Nowadays, a lot of people use chat rooms to talk to strangers. They can be a great way to meet new people and make friends online. With the right tools, it's easy to find people you have something in common with and start entertaining conversations. However, some things should be kept in mind when chatting online with someone who you don't know very well—or at all!

Be careful with personal info.

It's easy to get carried away in a chat room, but remember that you're talking with strangers — even if they seem friendly now, they might not be so friendly in the future. If you share personal information (like your phone number or address) without knowing who you're talking to, there could be consequences later on.

Don't give out personal details like your name, address or phone number until you know someone really well (if ever). Also, be careful about sharing things like your photos, videos or location. You don’t want people to be able to find out where you live or go to school.

Be nice (don't be mean).

The golden rule of chatting with people online is simple: Don't be a jerk. Being mean or rude will just get you ignored or banned from rooms. In fact, if someone starts being rude in a room I'm in, I'll usually leave and find another one where there are more friendly people.

So before you start typing anything at all, take a second to think about what you're going to say and how it might affect others around you. Would this comment make someone feel bad about themselves? Would it make them angry? If so, don't say it! There's no need for insults or mean comments whatsoever — especially when meeting new people for the first time.

The internet is filled with mean people who just want to bully others and make their lives miserable — but most people are nice and want nothing more than to have someone to chat with and make friends with! If someone isn't being nice back to you, don't bother responding because they're not worth your time anyway!

Try not to take their behavior personally and just do your best not to engage with them if they're being rude or mean towards you; simply ignore their comments rather than responding with something negative back at them. This can help prevent an argument from escalating.

Don't do anything that you wouldn't do in the real world

This is one of the most important rules when it comes to meeting new people online: don't do anything you wouldn't do in real life. That means no harassing or bullying people, no sharing of private information like your address or phone number, and no sending offensive messages or pictures.

If you wouldn't walk up to someone and start talking, don't do it online, either. Be respectful of others and their time. Don't send messages that are too short or too long — keep them brief and friendly. And remember that just because someone has responded does not mean they want to chat with you for hours on end!

Avoid talking about religion, politics, and sex.

The good news is that you don't have to limit yourself to talking about the weather and the latest movies or TV shows. However, it's best to avoid discussing religion, politics, and sex until you know each other better.

These are topics that are likely to offend people—and they're also things you can talk about later when you know each other better. Asking someone with whom you're just meeting what their political views are won't get you far: for one thing, there's no way of knowing if their answer will be based in reality (they might be lying) or if they're trying not to piss off someone who seems nice but might turn out not so nice after all (like an online chat buddy).

Religion is another topic that can easily cause misunderstandings—and again: unless they volunteer their religious views first (i.e., "I'm Jewish"), asking them about it may only lead them into feeling uncomfortable or why risk causing any problems?

Listen carefully and ask questions to get to know them better

If you want to get to know someone better, you have to be open and receptive. The best way to do this is by listening carefully. If they mention something they like, ask them how they discovered it. If they say that their favorite movie is "The Godfather," ask them why (and if you have time, watch it together). The key here is asking questions about them—not about yourself or what you think of them.

Just as important: don't be afraid of silence! Sometimes people need time alone before sharing personal details with others; your task isn't always easy when you're trying so hard to make connections with strangers online (or in person). Don't take silence personally; understand that everyone has their own way of communicating at any given moment. Just remember: if your first impression was positive enough for someone else stop talking now and then just listen instead - chances are good that person will think highly enough about themselves so as not to feel threatened by those moments when one person just needs some space during conversations--especially ones where "listening" plays such an important role!

Don't just talk about yourself (ask questions).

Ask questions that require more than a simple yes or no answer.

When you ask someone a question, they are forced to think about the answer. This is an excellent way to make sure they stay engaged.

If you're talking with someone who doesn't seem interested in talking to you anymore, try asking them questions about themselves instead of answering all of their questions yourself (Check out our list of common icebreakers when meeting new people). You'll keep the conversation going and learn more about them too!

Use emoticons (smiley faces)

Emoticons (also known as "smiley faces") are a way to express emotion in text. Many people who use online chatting services are not native English speakers and often have trouble expressing themselves clearly through the written word. Emoticons help them do that because they can add inflection and emphasis to their words with smiley faces.

You don't have to be familiar with every emoticon out there, but you should at least know how to type smileys! There are many types of smileys available—we'll look at some of them below:

Here's an example: Let's say your friend tells you he got a bad grade on his test last night. You might reply with something like this: "That's really too bad! :( What happened?"

Find the right places to chat.

There are many different kinds of online chat sites, and finding the right one for you can be quite a challenge. You should consider the following factors when choosing your preferred venue:

Have fun!

Chatting is fun, so don't take it too seriously. Don't be afraid to be yourself! If you're having a good time and meeting new people, that's all that matters. You also shouldn't worry about what other people think of your skills or abilities—as long as they're happy that you're there, how you communicate with them is up to you.

Well, we hope this guide has given you some useful information to help you make new friends online. Remember, chatting and making friends take time, so don't feel like you should be an expert at it or that other people are judging you. You're talking to them because you want to, so just relax, be yourself, and see what happens. The best part is that there are so many ways to chat with people around the world—you just need to find the ones that work best for you! If all else fails, remember that there is always someone out there who wants someone else just like them; all it takes is a little bit of effort and patience before you're chatting away happily with your new BFFs.

(Feel free to check out our article on tips to increase your chances of meeting someone special in your online chat)